Scripting Outlet Switching and Energy Measurements

Scripting Outlet Switching and Energy Measurements

Quickly integrate SynLink functionality into any system with an enterprise set of networking protocols and well documented APIs.

HTTP(S) API, SSH/Serial/Telnet CLI, and SNMP are programming interfaces which allow scripting and integration within larger systems. See examples of API usage with these programming interfaces.

HTTP API Documentation

Cloud API Documentation


CLI API Documentation




The following examples use CURL to issue HTTP requests.

NodeJS API Wrapper Library is available

Python API Wrapper Library is available

Personal Access Token Authentication

Personal Access Token authentication involves manually creating a personal access token and using it in each request to the SynLink HTTP API.

Get access to HTTP API through PATs (Personal Access Tokens)

Example Request for Device Information with Authentication Token

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 2bCDp4lqfKEFl8r6l4s"

Basic HTTP Authentication

Looking to have backwards compatibility with NetBooter products? Enable HTTP Basic Authentication

In the context of an HTTP transaction, basic access authentication is a method for an HTTP user agent (e.g. a web browser) to provide a user name and password when making a request. In basic HTTP authentication, a request contains a header field in the form of Authorization: Basic <credentials>;

Default: Basic HTTP Authentication denied

Navigate to Network -> Web  (/network/web) to enable Basic Authentication.

basic authentication button on web interface

Get Inlet Power Consumption Information

Inlet consumption information can be found with endpoint /api/inlets. This will return an array of inlets. For standard inlet PDU configurations, a single inlet object will be found inside this array. If the PDU is configured as an ATS pdu, or a dual circuit PDU, there will be two inlets.

List All inlet Information


curl '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer rKKHIKivalp6ihp6e09'
    "inletType": "single",
    "inletPlug": "IEC-320 C20",
    "inletPhase": "Single Phase",
    "inletName": "Example New Inlet Name",
    "id": "I1-1000016",
    "inletLineConfiguration": "L-N",
    "inletCurrentRms": 0,
    "inletVoltageRms": 114.69999694824219,
    "inletLineFrequency": 60.13800048828125,
    "inletPowerFactor": 1,
    "inletActivePower": 0,
    "inletApparentPower": 0,
    "inletEnergyAccumulation": 0

Turn Outlets On or Off

To modify an outlet's state or setting, all you need is the outlet number. Options for state are: `"ON"`, `"OFF"`, "`REBOOT`".

Change Outlet State 

curl '' \ --request "PUT" \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer rKKHIKivalp6ihp6e09' \ --data '{ "state":"ON" }'


SSH and Serial Command Line Interface Usage

Access SSH or Telnet with username and password

Execute the ssh command with username and IP address separated by an @. A prompt for admin password will appear. Once properly authenticated, SynLink Shell Help Menu will appear.

Full Examples and Windows 10 Examples

$ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:VZMUPw2MrIA3d8797SDEzuWZRxJAo9bLMMUO/Jw.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 
[email protected]'s password: 
SynLink Shell Help Menu

Usage: [command] [options...]

Press Tab to autocomplete commands


  [n]etwork      Show and configure network info 
  [s]ystem       Show and Configure PDU power, control, sensors, etc
  [set]tings     Manage PDU settings
  [m]odem        Access a connected modem
  [l]ogs         See various logs

  ping [host]    Send ping to specified host
  [h]elp         Returns this message
  [ex]amples     Common example commands
  [exit]         Exits SynLink Shell


Accessing SSH with Public Keys

Configure SSH for trusted devices to skip username/password authentication.


Scripting SSH with Command Line Interface

Pass commands to SSH as arguments. Use tab to autocomplete words.

Return inlet information in human readable format
$ ssh [email protected] "system inlet status"
Inlet Information
Inlet Plug | IEC-320 C20R
Inlet Name | IEC-320 C20R Inlet
Inlet ID | I1-1000036
Inlet Line | L-N
Energy Accumulation | 6.73 kWh
Current RMS | 0.38 A
Voltage RMS | 116.10 V
Line Frequency | 60.16 Hz
Power Factor | 0.96
Active Power | 42.29 W
Apparent Power | 43.96 VA
Return device information in JSON format
$ ssh [email protected] "system inlet json"
"inletPlug":"IEC-320 C20R",
"inletPhase":"Single Phase",
"inletName":"IEC-320 C20R Inlet",
Return inlet information in JSON format and parse for Inlet Current RMS

Requires jq (json parsing tool)

$ ssh [email protected] "system inlet json" | jq .[0].inletCurrentRms


Access Serial CLI

Serial Scripting Examples

Get tty configuration:

stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0

Change baud rate:

stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Write to Serial Port:

echo "system status" > /dev/ttyUSB0

Read from Serial Port:

cat /dev/ttyUSB0

Set Outlet Off

Configure tty with appropriate configurations beforehand

Identify outlet ID beforehand by printing list of outlets: system outlet status

Requires pre login to be able to issue commands.

user@host:~$ echo "system outlet set outlet_state 1-100001 OFF" > /dev/ttyUSB0


user@host:~$ sudo sh -c "echo 'system outlet set outlet_state 1-100001 OFF' >> /dev/ttyUSB0"


Get Inlet Current RMS with SNMP

user@host:~$ snmpget -v2c -c public .
SYNLINK-MIB::inletCurrentRms.1 = INTEGER: 38

Set Outlet State with SNMP

user@host:~$ snmpset -v2c -c private . i 0
SYNLINK-MIB::outletState.1 = INTEGER: open(0)

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